Masteveien 8,
1481 Hagan, Norge
Mandag - Torsdag: 07.30-16.00
Fredag: 07.30-14.00
COO John Inge Øglænd visited Millog Oy in Helsinki for strategic discussions and training with Toni Piispa, the Director of Authorities and Industry branch at Millog and his team. The visit reinforced our partnership and explored new opportunities for future
Euroheater is proud to announce that we have entered into a distribution agreement with Millog Oy in Finland. Millog is a company specializing in comprehensive lifecycle management and maintenance services within various sectors, including industrial, infrastructure, defense, and governmental domains.
Euroheater AS is excited to announce a new collaboration with PEZT Co.®, a leading company based in Brescia, Italy. PEZT Co. specializes in providing tailored solutions for modern Armed Forces and Police Forces, offering high-quality materials and customer-specific engineering solutions.
Finding the right business partner is essential for achieving success. That is why Euroheater AS is proud to announce a new agreement with Tac-Up BV, an innovative company specializing in the production of customized solutions for police and military users
We are pleased to announce that Euroheater AS and Vogt-CTE of Switzerland today have entered into an important distribution agreement. This collaboration will help meet the demand for reliable and lifesaving heating solutions for first responders across Europe.
John Inge Øglænd kommer tilbake til Norge etter ni år i Midtøsten. Øglænd har en bred militær bakgrunn, og har deltatt i internasjonale operasjoner i blant annet Afghanistan og på Balkan.
Vi er glade for å kunngjøre at Euroheater AS og Promotec AB har inngått en viktig distribusjonsavtale som vil bringe innovative mobile luftvarmere til et bredere publikum.
Oskar Pedersen AS og Euroheater AS har i dag inngått en intensjonsavtale om distribusjon av mobile luftvarmere til det Norske forsvaret, Sivilforsvaret, politi og rednings tjenester.